If you are looking to choose anorexia tips as a way to lose weight then you probably don't know how to make good choices about food. Food has become a mondy on your back instead of a way to get fuel to keep your body healthy and energized. One way this can happen is if you have friends who try to undermine you desire to lose weight.
Have you ever been in a situation where you don't want to eat but your friend says lets stop at the fudge store? And if you say you don't want to your friend looks at you unapprovingly or even makes a negative comment about you wanting to be healthy? This is classic behavior of an alcoholic or addict's friends. The friend want to continue with the unhealthy behavior so he or she puts pressure on the person who wants to quit the behavior.
Look around at you friends and family and see if this happens to you. Do you make the choice to only eat healthy foods and then when you try to live up to that desire do your friends and family shoot you down. This is a big problem when people are trying to lose weight. You have two choices you can build up your self confidence to the point where you are willing to make the healthy choices over our family and friend's desires. Or you can not associate with people who shoot down your dieting and healthy living lifestyle.
There have been numerous studies done that show who a person associates with has a large impact on how fat the person is. People who associate with other fat people tend to be heavier than people who are around thinner people all the time. It is much easier to choose to over eat when you are with other people overeating. In fact it is rare that a person can effectively lose weight if they don't change the people who the are around or at least get the entire group to commit to a weight loss plan.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Use A Cleanse For Rapid Weight Loss
When you are looking for how to be anorexic you are looking for help to lose weight because nothing else has worked. If you are looking to drop the fat fast, people all over the world are talking about the Master Cleanse. Some call it a wonder drink. Others say they have never lost weight so fast while feeling so good. If you want to drop the fat you owe it to yourself to find out about the Master Cleanse and put its fat burning secret to work.
I first heard about the master cleanse from a therapist about 6 years ago. She was on it 2 weeks and lost over 20 pounds. It wasn't just the weight loss that she was so excited about. Her energy level was higher than it had been for years. She looked great and she felt great. Once the weight gets off keeping it off is as easy as redoing the cleanse once or twice a year. It is almost like magic.
The other great aspect of the Master Cleanse is the removal of toxins that have been built up in your system. Do you feel tired? Are you craving foods you know you shouldn't eat? Do you want to feel great again? The cleanse is for you. With it's unique mixture of good, wholesome ingredients the cleanse helps to elimanate all the toxins and poisons that have been building up in your body. Think how great you would feel with a clean, fresh system again.
The Master Cleanse is a great answer to how to become anorexic. You don't have to just take my word for it. People all over the world are changing their lives with the Master Cleanse. Shouldn't you try it too.
I first heard about the master cleanse from a therapist about 6 years ago. She was on it 2 weeks and lost over 20 pounds. It wasn't just the weight loss that she was so excited about. Her energy level was higher than it had been for years. She looked great and she felt great. Once the weight gets off keeping it off is as easy as redoing the cleanse once or twice a year. It is almost like magic.
The other great aspect of the Master Cleanse is the removal of toxins that have been built up in your system. Do you feel tired? Are you craving foods you know you shouldn't eat? Do you want to feel great again? The cleanse is for you. With it's unique mixture of good, wholesome ingredients the cleanse helps to elimanate all the toxins and poisons that have been building up in your body. Think how great you would feel with a clean, fresh system again.
The Master Cleanse is a great answer to how to become anorexic. You don't have to just take my word for it. People all over the world are changing their lives with the Master Cleanse. Shouldn't you try it too.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Unhealthy Diet
If you are interested in how to become anorexia then you know the feeling of wanting to lose weight and keep it off but you just can't find the right diet. If you are to the point of wanting to learn how to become anorexic then you are at the end of your rope because of your weight. You have probably tried all kinds of diets to lose weight with no success and then you see a really thin girl and think that is how I want to look. So you start thinking, who is really thin and you come up with trying to follow in the footsteps of someone with this eating disorder.
For these people the weight loss is not about having a healthy look. Instead it is driven by a completely unrealistic view of their body. They can be absolutely skin and bones but if they look in the mirror the image looking back at them appears to be obese. So they vomit some more or take more laxatives and try to get that last ounce of fat off their frame. All the time the view they have is skewed and they don't even know it.
This is not a lifestyle to emulate and it is not a psychological disorder you should try to foster in order to lose weight. Instead, you should find a healthy diet and stick with it. I have had a problem with weight loss my entire life and still struggle with it today. I do really well dieting for a while and then I overeat and feel bad about myself. My dieting is something that rules my life. What I have decided is that I am addicted to food and I need to treat my food addiction just like any other addiction. Following a healthy diet helps but that is not all there is.
If you want to lose weight I think a great thing to do would be find other people who want to lose weight in a healthy way and work together. This is a very big key to alcoholics anonymous. They know that fighting the urge to eat is best done with others who also want to lose wieght. If you are looking for anorexia tips then you are looking to lose weight in an unhealthy way and probably cause irreversible damage to your body.
This type of weight loss plan is not something to shoot for. If you truly want to look your best you must concentrate on losing weight with a healthy diet.
For these people the weight loss is not about having a healthy look. Instead it is driven by a completely unrealistic view of their body. They can be absolutely skin and bones but if they look in the mirror the image looking back at them appears to be obese. So they vomit some more or take more laxatives and try to get that last ounce of fat off their frame. All the time the view they have is skewed and they don't even know it.
This is not a lifestyle to emulate and it is not a psychological disorder you should try to foster in order to lose weight. Instead, you should find a healthy diet and stick with it. I have had a problem with weight loss my entire life and still struggle with it today. I do really well dieting for a while and then I overeat and feel bad about myself. My dieting is something that rules my life. What I have decided is that I am addicted to food and I need to treat my food addiction just like any other addiction. Following a healthy diet helps but that is not all there is.
If you want to lose weight I think a great thing to do would be find other people who want to lose weight in a healthy way and work together. This is a very big key to alcoholics anonymous. They know that fighting the urge to eat is best done with others who also want to lose wieght. If you are looking for anorexia tips then you are looking to lose weight in an unhealthy way and probably cause irreversible damage to your body.
This type of weight loss plan is not something to shoot for. If you truly want to look your best you must concentrate on losing weight with a healthy diet.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Succesful Weight Loss
Are you looking for a diet to get skinny and feel the feedom of a smaller body without all the fat? This is what is driving a lot of the diet industry today but we are having less luck losing weight than ever before. People are looking for diets and dieting tips to lose weight and cut the fat. At the same time we are, as a group, getting more obese as the month go by. What is going on?
We are getting two conflicting messages from all the advertisements we see on TV. First we are taught that food can bring us happiness. Watch the food commercials, the people are always eating rich, calorie laden foods and having a great time. They are always laughing and really enjoying themselves. A new strategy is to make us feel that we can have quality time by visiting these restaurants and bringing the whole family. The advertisers know what they are doing. They are linking the positive images on the screen with our desires for how we want our lives to be. So we think if we eat the food our lives will be happy and exciting. We think if we visit the restaraunt our family will instantly become closer and more loving.
So we have this one side of the coin which is a manipulation of what we tie the food to. It is no longer for our survival. Instead, it is tied into entertainment and feeling good.
The other side of the coin is this image that we have to be as thin as a New York model if we want to have fun and enjoy our lives. The people if the advertisements are always thin and beautiful. I can guarantee you that if the models on the screen were actually eating the food they were pitching, then they would no longer be thin. The foods are not conducive to having a thin or skinny body. Thus we have two conflicting images to process. One says you have to eat high calorie food and lots of it to be happy. The other image shows the only people enjoying life as the ones who are thin and beautiful.
We can't have both and that is where the problem lies. If you want to lose weight and have a thin body then you need to change how you eat. You need to find a healthy diet and weight loss plan that will help you to lose the inches in a safe way. And if you decide to eat the foods that are so well portrayed on the screen then you will gain weight and be fat. It is up to you to choose a diet plan that helps you, is healthy, and can be sustained.
We are getting two conflicting messages from all the advertisements we see on TV. First we are taught that food can bring us happiness. Watch the food commercials, the people are always eating rich, calorie laden foods and having a great time. They are always laughing and really enjoying themselves. A new strategy is to make us feel that we can have quality time by visiting these restaurants and bringing the whole family. The advertisers know what they are doing. They are linking the positive images on the screen with our desires for how we want our lives to be. So we think if we eat the food our lives will be happy and exciting. We think if we visit the restaraunt our family will instantly become closer and more loving.
So we have this one side of the coin which is a manipulation of what we tie the food to. It is no longer for our survival. Instead, it is tied into entertainment and feeling good.
The other side of the coin is this image that we have to be as thin as a New York model if we want to have fun and enjoy our lives. The people if the advertisements are always thin and beautiful. I can guarantee you that if the models on the screen were actually eating the food they were pitching, then they would no longer be thin. The foods are not conducive to having a thin or skinny body. Thus we have two conflicting images to process. One says you have to eat high calorie food and lots of it to be happy. The other image shows the only people enjoying life as the ones who are thin and beautiful.
We can't have both and that is where the problem lies. If you want to lose weight and have a thin body then you need to change how you eat. You need to find a healthy diet and weight loss plan that will help you to lose the inches in a safe way. And if you decide to eat the foods that are so well portrayed on the screen then you will gain weight and be fat. It is up to you to choose a diet plan that helps you, is healthy, and can be sustained.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dieting And How To Become Anorexic
Are you looking for a diet that will help you learn how to become anorexic and create quick weight loss that you can control for a skinny body? There are a lot of people who are searching for tips on how to become anorexic step by step. If you are trying to find out the tips and tricks to becoming anorexic then you need to read this post. This post is about healthy dieting and weight loss not about weight loss that will cause your hair to fall, cause your teeth to fall out, cause ugly sores all over your body, and eventually cause your death.
In this day and age of obesity weight loss is a legitimate concern of most people. What is not legitimate is trying to lose weight by using Pro ana tips. There is absolutely no reason, no realistic reason, for anyone to pursue a weight loss and dieting plan that causes them physical harm. If you are truly overweight or even obese then I agree than a healthy diet change is important. But the key is finding out whether you really are overweight or if you have an unrealistic view of your body and your body mass index or BMI.
Anorexia is a psychiatric eating disorder that is not something to play around with. People who suffer from this are more likely to suffer life long physical ailments and even death than the average population. If you are still looking for how to become anorexic then visit this other post as well. You are a child of the creator and you are lovable just the way you are. If you are a young woman or man, 10% of all anorexia sufferers are male anorexics, I can tell you that becoming skinny will have very little affect on your happiness. People who are suffering from this eating disorder are miserable. They have absolutely no happiness because they are consumed with an unrealistic view of their body.
There are hundreds of good, healthy diet plans for safe weight loss. Find our from your doctor or health care provider if you are overweight and then choose a long term lifestyle change diet if needed.
In this day and age of obesity weight loss is a legitimate concern of most people. What is not legitimate is trying to lose weight by using Pro ana tips. There is absolutely no reason, no realistic reason, for anyone to pursue a weight loss and dieting plan that causes them physical harm. If you are truly overweight or even obese then I agree than a healthy diet change is important. But the key is finding out whether you really are overweight or if you have an unrealistic view of your body and your body mass index or BMI.
Anorexia is a psychiatric eating disorder that is not something to play around with. People who suffer from this are more likely to suffer life long physical ailments and even death than the average population. If you are still looking for how to become anorexic then visit this other post as well. You are a child of the creator and you are lovable just the way you are. If you are a young woman or man, 10% of all anorexia sufferers are male anorexics, I can tell you that becoming skinny will have very little affect on your happiness. People who are suffering from this eating disorder are miserable. They have absolutely no happiness because they are consumed with an unrealistic view of their body.
There are hundreds of good, healthy diet plans for safe weight loss. Find our from your doctor or health care provider if you are overweight and then choose a long term lifestyle change diet if needed.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dieting for Pro Anorexia Friends
Dieting and weight loss is big business. There are getting to be a lot of anorexia tips websites that supposedly give you the low down on how to become anorexic with tips and tricks. These websites are not being honest because you can not choose this. It is an eating disorder that has psychological implications that you don't understand. If you want to lose weight the best thing to do would be to find a healthy weight loss and exercise plan and get control of your diet. The only long term way to lose weight is to cut calories and add some exercise because that is how our bodies have evolved. In order to be healthy and support a long term lifestyle we need a minimum amount of calories. If we overeat then we will gain more weight than what we what to and pack on the pounds. If we eat less calories than we expand in exercise then we will lose excess fat stored in the body. It is generally stored in the belly area in males and in the hip area in females.
So why should we look at a healthy diet instead of using tips from these other websites? In reality, anorexia is a psychiatric condition where the person with the affliction has a false and unrealistic view of their body. When they look in the mirror they see a person who is extremely obese even if in reality their body is of normal weight and proportion. For some reason these people can not see this and so they literally starve themselves to death to try to stop being obese. As you can see this is irrational behavior and people with this affliction need psychological help in order to get a more realistic view of their body and frame. This is not something they chose instead there was some instance in their earlier life or maybe something in their genetics that caused this unhealthy and unrealistic view.
If you are looking for these kinds of tips instead of healthy diet tips, I beg you to get an opinion from a health care professional about your body size and shape. Don't ask your friends because they may have a skewed perspective when it comes to body size also. Instead, talk to a doctor, school nurse, or other nutritionist to find out if your view is realistic. One thing to remember is that everyone has a different body shape. If you come from a long line of hearty people, for example norther Europeans, you are not going to create a healthy body that looks like America's Next Top Model. Most people I know think these girls are too skinny anyway.
We are all given a body and we can control it to a certain extent but there are some realities that we can not change. You may starve yourself to death but is that really worth it? If you could change your body style, which you can't, it wouldn't do you any good anyway because you will be dead. That seems like an extreme price to pay to look like someone most people don't find attractive.
If you are truly overweight for your height and body type, and only someone trained in Body Mass Index can tell you that, then you can use a healthy diet and exercise plan to trim fat. A healthy diet means you lose no more than three pounds a week and you do not go below a minimum weight based on the realities of your body.
Instead of starving yourself to death to try and force your body to be something it is not you should be learning how to love yourself the way you are. This is had but it is part of becoming mature. You are an incredible child of God an you worth more to Him and the world than you will ever know. You are lovable the way you are and if you don't feel lovable, losing weight to the point of physical impairment or death is not going to make any difference. Work on your inner beauty first and then you can worry about weight loss. You will find when you get older that people who look like billboards are not really the beautiful people in the world. Instead, it is the normal people who have big hearts and learn to love themselves and others.
If you visit a doctor and it is determined that you do need to lose weight then do it with a healthy diet and exercise plan. Do not try to lose more than three pounds a week. The best exercise is walking so if you can try to walk a few miles every day. But first and foremost work on your inner beauty and loving yourself before starting any diet plan.
So why should we look at a healthy diet instead of using tips from these other websites? In reality, anorexia is a psychiatric condition where the person with the affliction has a false and unrealistic view of their body. When they look in the mirror they see a person who is extremely obese even if in reality their body is of normal weight and proportion. For some reason these people can not see this and so they literally starve themselves to death to try to stop being obese. As you can see this is irrational behavior and people with this affliction need psychological help in order to get a more realistic view of their body and frame. This is not something they chose instead there was some instance in their earlier life or maybe something in their genetics that caused this unhealthy and unrealistic view.
If you are looking for these kinds of tips instead of healthy diet tips, I beg you to get an opinion from a health care professional about your body size and shape. Don't ask your friends because they may have a skewed perspective when it comes to body size also. Instead, talk to a doctor, school nurse, or other nutritionist to find out if your view is realistic. One thing to remember is that everyone has a different body shape. If you come from a long line of hearty people, for example norther Europeans, you are not going to create a healthy body that looks like America's Next Top Model. Most people I know think these girls are too skinny anyway.
We are all given a body and we can control it to a certain extent but there are some realities that we can not change. You may starve yourself to death but is that really worth it? If you could change your body style, which you can't, it wouldn't do you any good anyway because you will be dead. That seems like an extreme price to pay to look like someone most people don't find attractive.
If you are truly overweight for your height and body type, and only someone trained in Body Mass Index can tell you that, then you can use a healthy diet and exercise plan to trim fat. A healthy diet means you lose no more than three pounds a week and you do not go below a minimum weight based on the realities of your body.
Instead of starving yourself to death to try and force your body to be something it is not you should be learning how to love yourself the way you are. This is had but it is part of becoming mature. You are an incredible child of God an you worth more to Him and the world than you will ever know. You are lovable the way you are and if you don't feel lovable, losing weight to the point of physical impairment or death is not going to make any difference. Work on your inner beauty first and then you can worry about weight loss. You will find when you get older that people who look like billboards are not really the beautiful people in the world. Instead, it is the normal people who have big hearts and learn to love themselves and others.
If you visit a doctor and it is determined that you do need to lose weight then do it with a healthy diet and exercise plan. Do not try to lose more than three pounds a week. The best exercise is walking so if you can try to walk a few miles every day. But first and foremost work on your inner beauty and loving yourself before starting any diet plan.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Healthy Diet Instead
If you want to lose weight trying make yourself anorexic is not the way to go. This is a very dangerous food disorder that is not really about losing weight at all it is all about and inability to have a realistic view of the body. The best way to lose weight is to start a diet and excercise program based on good nutritional information and realistic exercises for your body type. There are a lot of healthy diets available and many come with diet meal plans included.
The key to effective weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume in the food you eat. If you are serious about having a more healthy body then you need to find a good well balanced diet and exercise regime that works for you. Don't try so called diet pills. These never work for long and many of them have serious health implications. A few years ago there was a diet drug program called fen-phen. This supposedly helped people to lose weight. What it actually did was cause heart valve problems and several deaths. It is fine to want to drop a few pounds but why would you want to kill yourself doing it? A good diet to lose weight is one in which you lose two to three pounds a week and you learn to keep the weight off.
An effective diet plan is one that is low in fat because there are a lot of calories in fat. But be careful of the new "low fat" products available for sale now. Many of these have sugar and high fructose corn syrup added so the calorie count goes through the roof. At the end of the day calorie counting and learning how to burn fat are the ways you will get to the weight you desire.
There are all kinds of effective diets available. The key is to make sure they are well balanced. A dieting vegetarian is also possible by doing the same thing, counting calories and doing exercises that burn the excess fat stored in your body.
Walking is really a very good exercise for weight loss because that is what our bodies are designed to do. For thousands of years we ate a diet lower in calories than today and then walked several miles a day. Our bodies got used to this type of life style. We have completely changed that now. The majority of people consume way more calories than they need and then do almost no walking or any other physical activity. Thus they build fat in their bodies and then do nothing to burn fat. These people then think rapid weight loss is the answer so they look at things like anorexia in order to lose the weight.
We have got to get off of this merry go round of eating high calorie food and then sitting around not burning any of it up. The answer is not some radical thing like purging. The answer is to find a good, healthy, nutritious diet and then getting some exercise every day. This is the only long term solution to weight gain and the only healthy one.
The key to effective weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume in the food you eat. If you are serious about having a more healthy body then you need to find a good well balanced diet and exercise regime that works for you. Don't try so called diet pills. These never work for long and many of them have serious health implications. A few years ago there was a diet drug program called fen-phen. This supposedly helped people to lose weight. What it actually did was cause heart valve problems and several deaths. It is fine to want to drop a few pounds but why would you want to kill yourself doing it? A good diet to lose weight is one in which you lose two to three pounds a week and you learn to keep the weight off.
An effective diet plan is one that is low in fat because there are a lot of calories in fat. But be careful of the new "low fat" products available for sale now. Many of these have sugar and high fructose corn syrup added so the calorie count goes through the roof. At the end of the day calorie counting and learning how to burn fat are the ways you will get to the weight you desire.
There are all kinds of effective diets available. The key is to make sure they are well balanced. A dieting vegetarian is also possible by doing the same thing, counting calories and doing exercises that burn the excess fat stored in your body.
Walking is really a very good exercise for weight loss because that is what our bodies are designed to do. For thousands of years we ate a diet lower in calories than today and then walked several miles a day. Our bodies got used to this type of life style. We have completely changed that now. The majority of people consume way more calories than they need and then do almost no walking or any other physical activity. Thus they build fat in their bodies and then do nothing to burn fat. These people then think rapid weight loss is the answer so they look at things like anorexia in order to lose the weight.
We have got to get off of this merry go round of eating high calorie food and then sitting around not burning any of it up. The answer is not some radical thing like purging. The answer is to find a good, healthy, nutritious diet and then getting some exercise every day. This is the only long term solution to weight gain and the only healthy one.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
How To Become Anorexic Web Sites and Dieting
If you want to become anorexic there are not too many anorexia websites to turn to. The reason for this is that anorexia is not a viable diet plan. If you want to lose weight there are a lot of good nutritional, healthy plans available. Trying to force yourself to have a food eating disorder is not a long term solution.
Maybe you are saying "Oh, I need to lose 10 pounds by this weekend so I will be anorexic for the rest of the week." This makes no sense. You can not choose this mental disorder. A person who suffers from this has no control over whether they eat or not. These people have such an extremely unrealsitic view of their bodies that food actually makes them physically sick. This may sound good on the surface buy not when you are 78 pounds and your hair and teeth have fallen out.
Are you looking for tips on becoming anorexic? Then you need to visit pro anorexia websites but I hope you are not looking for anorexia tips and tricks. As I said above, there are a lot better ways to lose weight than to wish an eating disorder on yourself. Dieting and diets are a legitimate way to drop some pounds but it is best to add an exercise routine along with the dieting.
Some people search for how to become a better anorexic and how to anorexic. Why would someone want to take a perfectly good body and make it look like it came from a concentration camp. Pictures of people with this eating disorder are not pretty. People also ask how do you become anorexic and how to become an anorexic. You do not choose this lifestyle. There is a misadjustment in your brain that causes you to have a completely unrealistic view of your body image. Instead of following a healthy diet, these people who suffer with this follow a lifestyle that usually leads to death unless treated.
Please do not try to be anorexic or think that this lifestyle is something it is not. This is a serious, life threatening mental disorder that must be treated by professionals. These people are not bad people they just need some help to get a realistic view of themselves again.
Maybe you are saying "Oh, I need to lose 10 pounds by this weekend so I will be anorexic for the rest of the week." This makes no sense. You can not choose this mental disorder. A person who suffers from this has no control over whether they eat or not. These people have such an extremely unrealsitic view of their bodies that food actually makes them physically sick. This may sound good on the surface buy not when you are 78 pounds and your hair and teeth have fallen out.
Are you looking for tips on becoming anorexic? Then you need to visit pro anorexia websites but I hope you are not looking for anorexia tips and tricks. As I said above, there are a lot better ways to lose weight than to wish an eating disorder on yourself. Dieting and diets are a legitimate way to drop some pounds but it is best to add an exercise routine along with the dieting.
Some people search for how to become a better anorexic and how to anorexic. Why would someone want to take a perfectly good body and make it look like it came from a concentration camp. Pictures of people with this eating disorder are not pretty. People also ask how do you become anorexic and how to become an anorexic. You do not choose this lifestyle. There is a misadjustment in your brain that causes you to have a completely unrealistic view of your body image. Instead of following a healthy diet, these people who suffer with this follow a lifestyle that usually leads to death unless treated.
Please do not try to be anorexic or think that this lifestyle is something it is not. This is a serious, life threatening mental disorder that must be treated by professionals. These people are not bad people they just need some help to get a realistic view of themselves again.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Anorexia Queen and Diets
It seems like everybody is trying to get on the anorexia bandwagon in order to loose weight and have slim body. The anorexia queen is now in the spot light and getting lots of attention whether it is deserved or not. It seems like dieting and weight loss to the point of decreasing you body mass index to less than 85% of normal is the new hot trip. If you think becoming anorexic is a good way to lose weight and keep it off you are mistaken about what anorexia really is. If you are overweight, I mean honestly overweight not vainly overweight, I would like to see you get in shape. Dieting and diets that are healthy are a great way to get the most out of your physical body. The key here is healthy diet. If you are trying to get your body down to anorexic levels, less than 85% of the normal body mass index for your sex, height, and body frame, then you are not being healthy.
In my last post How to become anorexia I talked about the multitudes of people who are trying to live a lite version of the anorexic lifestyle. They think purging along with caloric intake limits and massive exercise will give them what they are missing in life. Believe me no matter what new diet you try it is not going to change your life if you don't deal with the underlieing causes of your level of overweight or you false body view. I have found that over-eating is caused by a root problem that needs to be addressed before you can be successful. If you think you need to lose some pounds then start with a visit to the doctor or other health professional. If you truly are obese they can help you develop a good plan to shed the pounds and build up a healthy body. If they say you are not overweight, then please Listen. If you still find your body gross and ugly then talk to them about your unrealistic body view. You are a wonderful creation of nature and deserve a healthy and happy life.
In my last post How to become anorexia I talked about the multitudes of people who are trying to live a lite version of the anorexic lifestyle. They think purging along with caloric intake limits and massive exercise will give them what they are missing in life. Believe me no matter what new diet you try it is not going to change your life if you don't deal with the underlieing causes of your level of overweight or you false body view. I have found that over-eating is caused by a root problem that needs to be addressed before you can be successful. If you think you need to lose some pounds then start with a visit to the doctor or other health professional. If you truly are obese they can help you develop a good plan to shed the pounds and build up a healthy body. If they say you are not overweight, then please Listen. If you still find your body gross and ugly then talk to them about your unrealistic body view. You are a wonderful creation of nature and deserve a healthy and happy life.
anorexic queen,
How To Become Anorexic
How To Become Anorexic Diet
If you want a diet that will teach you how to become anorexic you are looking for a way to lose weight to a point that your body will be at 80% of the average weight of others. A lot of websites are pushing the idea of weight loss by giving out pro anorexia tips and flogging the idea that you can choose to become anorexic. They are under the misunderstanding that you can chose to become anorexic for a while to lose weight with a new diet and then stop being anorexia and go on with your life and your new thin and sleek body. Nothing is farther from the truth. You can not turn it on and off like a light switch. This is a psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder. It is not a new way to lose weight.
Pro anorexia websites do not tell you the physical sides of the ailment. When people are afflicted with this disorder they have a unrealistic view of their body and thus develop an intense fear of being overweight or obese. Sufferers are willing to do anything in order to get their body mass index as low as possible. People who are looking for tips on how to become anorexia are looking for ways to decrease their weight so much that it actually causes physical harm to their bodies instead of shaping their bodies into their view of beauty.
If you think you want to learn how to become anorexic then visit some of the websites that have anorexic photos and anorexia images on them. These girls and boys, yes 10% of people suffering from this disorder are male anorexics, are not beautiful. They look like survivors from a concentration camp or people caught in the wilderness with no food to eat. They are not the epitome of a healthy, beautiful body. These pictures of anorexic people show the results of an eating disorder not a diet regimen that will make you look like a movie star. Most people do not understand the true consequences of this psychiatric illness until they view these anorexic pics and see how devastating a life of unrealistic dieting, purging, and nonstop exercising can be.
As I said above, about 10% of people who are afflicted are male anorexics. It used to be believed that only teenage girls could develop this eating disorder but we are now finding that all types of people can be affected. A new development in the gay community is the anorexic queen. These are gay young men who have an unrealistic view of their bodies and who buy in to the mistaken belief that they can heal their pain by controlling how much they eat. An anorexic queen is really fairly rare but again people of normal weight are having the mistaken belief that it is a great new diet and weight loss plan. If you want to lose weight, even fast weight loss, there are good healthy programs you can join and utilize. The first step is to visit a health care provider and find out if you are really overweight or not. Please, if they say you are of normal weight and yet you still have a strong desire to lose weight and view your body as being fat, talk to the doctor or nurse about that.
Anorexia nervosa is not something to play around with and make light of. People who suffer from this can literally starve themselves to death. Changes in the body as a result of this affliction are the same as those of people who are staving which makes sense because that is what is happening to the body. Some of these symptoms are stunting of growth, hair loss, hair growth on unwanted parts of the body, decreased sex drive, impotence in males, reduction in white blood cell count, decrease immune system functioning, pale and sunken complexion, tooth decay, headaches, and nervous system damage. This does not sound to me like a recipe for an attractive body.
This website is not meant to treat anorexia. That requires professional help which can lead the sufferer back from the brink and show them how to develop of realistic body view. If you think you might be anorexic please talk to your doctor or other health care professional now. don't wait as you are playing with fire.
This site is for the people who want to lose weight and think that leaning how to become anorexia can help them in this goal. They hear about pro anorexia tips and pro anna websites and develop the mistaken idea that this is a great way to diet and lose a few pounds. Even if there were no such thing as anorexia, this type of rapid and extreme weight loss is unhealthy and not sustainable. People who diet and exercise to achieve quick weight loss almost always gain the weight back and even more when they go back to their old eating and exercise habits. Tips on becoming anorexic and pro anorexia websites are not the places to look. Instead, develop a healthy eating pattern that gives you enough calories for a well balanced body but not so many empty calories that you are above your desired body mass index.
Pro anorexia websites do not tell you the physical sides of the ailment. When people are afflicted with this disorder they have a unrealistic view of their body and thus develop an intense fear of being overweight or obese. Sufferers are willing to do anything in order to get their body mass index as low as possible. People who are looking for tips on how to become anorexia are looking for ways to decrease their weight so much that it actually causes physical harm to their bodies instead of shaping their bodies into their view of beauty.
Anorexia Images
If you think you want to learn how to become anorexic then visit some of the websites that have anorexic photos and anorexia images on them. These girls and boys, yes 10% of people suffering from this disorder are male anorexics, are not beautiful. They look like survivors from a concentration camp or people caught in the wilderness with no food to eat. They are not the epitome of a healthy, beautiful body. These pictures of anorexic people show the results of an eating disorder not a diet regimen that will make you look like a movie star. Most people do not understand the true consequences of this psychiatric illness until they view these anorexic pics and see how devastating a life of unrealistic dieting, purging, and nonstop exercising can be.
Anorexic Queen
As I said above, about 10% of people who are afflicted are male anorexics. It used to be believed that only teenage girls could develop this eating disorder but we are now finding that all types of people can be affected. A new development in the gay community is the anorexic queen. These are gay young men who have an unrealistic view of their bodies and who buy in to the mistaken belief that they can heal their pain by controlling how much they eat. An anorexic queen is really fairly rare but again people of normal weight are having the mistaken belief that it is a great new diet and weight loss plan. If you want to lose weight, even fast weight loss, there are good healthy programs you can join and utilize. The first step is to visit a health care provider and find out if you are really overweight or not. Please, if they say you are of normal weight and yet you still have a strong desire to lose weight and view your body as being fat, talk to the doctor or nurse about that.
Anorexia nervosa is not something to play around with and make light of. People who suffer from this can literally starve themselves to death. Changes in the body as a result of this affliction are the same as those of people who are staving which makes sense because that is what is happening to the body. Some of these symptoms are stunting of growth, hair loss, hair growth on unwanted parts of the body, decreased sex drive, impotence in males, reduction in white blood cell count, decrease immune system functioning, pale and sunken complexion, tooth decay, headaches, and nervous system damage. This does not sound to me like a recipe for an attractive body.
This website is not meant to treat anorexia. That requires professional help which can lead the sufferer back from the brink and show them how to develop of realistic body view. If you think you might be anorexic please talk to your doctor or other health care professional now. don't wait as you are playing with fire.
This site is for the people who want to lose weight and think that leaning how to become anorexia can help them in this goal. They hear about pro anorexia tips and pro anna websites and develop the mistaken idea that this is a great way to diet and lose a few pounds. Even if there were no such thing as anorexia, this type of rapid and extreme weight loss is unhealthy and not sustainable. People who diet and exercise to achieve quick weight loss almost always gain the weight back and even more when they go back to their old eating and exercise habits. Tips on becoming anorexic and pro anorexia websites are not the places to look. Instead, develop a healthy eating pattern that gives you enough calories for a well balanced body but not so many empty calories that you are above your desired body mass index.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Diet For Success
I have found that people looking for anorexia tips are actually looking for diet tips because they want to lose weight. These people are of the mistaken belief that they can be a little anorexic and thus lose weight instead of following a healthy diet that works. A healthy diet is one that limits your caloric intake below the level you burn every day, but does not limit it to such an extreme measure that harm is done to the physical well being of the body.
Anorexia is not something to be played around with. Every year thousands of men and women, and girls and boys are having irreversible harm done to their bodies by strict limitation of caloric intake. These mostly young people have such a distorted view of their bodies that they literally starve themselves to death trying to reach what they perceive of the perfect body. In reality, the vast majority, if not all, the public think this view of the perfect body is actually un healthy, ugly, and disgusting. It would be great if people who experience anorexia could understand that a healthy diet with realistic long term weight loss in road to ultimate health and good looks.
There are all kinds of diets on the market and new ones appearing every day. Some of them are healthy and long term and some are nothing but unhealthy fads. If you think you are over weight talk to a health care professional and find out what they say. Then follow their advice for a healthy weight based on your frame and height. Strive to lose no more that 2-3 pounds a week and be sure to eat a balanced diet.
I have seen anorexia nervosa and it is not a pretty sight. People should not be looking for anorexia tips. You should be looking for a long term diet that allows you to maintain a healthy weight and a beautiful body not some bag of bones that nobody really finds attractive.
Anorexia is not something to be played around with. Every year thousands of men and women, and girls and boys are having irreversible harm done to their bodies by strict limitation of caloric intake. These mostly young people have such a distorted view of their bodies that they literally starve themselves to death trying to reach what they perceive of the perfect body. In reality, the vast majority, if not all, the public think this view of the perfect body is actually un healthy, ugly, and disgusting. It would be great if people who experience anorexia could understand that a healthy diet with realistic long term weight loss in road to ultimate health and good looks.
There are all kinds of diets on the market and new ones appearing every day. Some of them are healthy and long term and some are nothing but unhealthy fads. If you think you are over weight talk to a health care professional and find out what they say. Then follow their advice for a healthy weight based on your frame and height. Strive to lose no more that 2-3 pounds a week and be sure to eat a balanced diet.
I have seen anorexia nervosa and it is not a pretty sight. People should not be looking for anorexia tips. You should be looking for a long term diet that allows you to maintain a healthy weight and a beautiful body not some bag of bones that nobody really finds attractive.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dieting and How To Be Anorexic The Truth
If you want to know how to become anorexic you have to find the tips and tricks to making it work. The problem is you are going to cause yourself a lot of physical pain and discomfort if you don't follow a healthy dieting plan for sustained weight loss. This website is not about the tips and tricks of bulimia or anorexia or other eating disorders. This website is dedicated to turning young people away from the desire to manipulate their bodies in order to be "attractive" to others. You are a wonderful creation and because of that you are much more than the outside view of your body. You do not need to starve yourself for some perceived formed that you think will make others like or love you.
I have lived a long time and I finally came to the realization that if you think you need to change yourself in order to be attractive to someone, then that person is not the one for you. When I started researching this subject I couldn't believe how many people want to learn how to become anorexic. It is absolutely mind boggling that young men and women are trying to change their bodies so much that they become sick and in some cases die. About 10% of the people who suffer from this eating disorder are male anorexia victims. Victims because one of the factors of anorexia is that people feel compelled by society to change how they look.
There are a lot of anorexia tips that can be used to decrease your weight to an unhealthy level. The bad thing is that these tactics are very unhealthy for a human body especially a body in its formative growing years. If you purge, like I did when I was younger, you can cause irreversible damage to your stomach, your throat, and your teeth. I now suffer from a faulty illiopeptic valve (the valve between your throat and your stomach) because I forced food back out of my stomach against this valve so many times. I now have almost constant heart burn and will most likely need surgery at some time. And the thing is, I really didn't control my body shape long term.
The only way to affect your shape long term is to die which is the result of many want to be sufferers of anorexia and bulimia. You are worth much more to the world healthy than you are as an emancipated bag of bones. If you are a female I will tell you I have never heard a man say a woman who is all skin and bones is pretty or beautiful. Usually the comment is, what is wrong with her.
If you want to find the right person then stop trying to manipulate how you look by using anorexic tips and tricks. Instead, focus on finding someone who likes you for who you are. There are lots of people out there you just have to look. The first order of business is to like yourself. Believe me, you will not like yourself any better by forcing yourself to an unhealthy weight. I hope you learn to not look for ways on how to be anorexic.
I have lived a long time and I finally came to the realization that if you think you need to change yourself in order to be attractive to someone, then that person is not the one for you. When I started researching this subject I couldn't believe how many people want to learn how to become anorexic. It is absolutely mind boggling that young men and women are trying to change their bodies so much that they become sick and in some cases die. About 10% of the people who suffer from this eating disorder are male anorexia victims. Victims because one of the factors of anorexia is that people feel compelled by society to change how they look.
There are a lot of anorexia tips that can be used to decrease your weight to an unhealthy level. The bad thing is that these tactics are very unhealthy for a human body especially a body in its formative growing years. If you purge, like I did when I was younger, you can cause irreversible damage to your stomach, your throat, and your teeth. I now suffer from a faulty illiopeptic valve (the valve between your throat and your stomach) because I forced food back out of my stomach against this valve so many times. I now have almost constant heart burn and will most likely need surgery at some time. And the thing is, I really didn't control my body shape long term.
The only way to affect your shape long term is to die which is the result of many want to be sufferers of anorexia and bulimia. You are worth much more to the world healthy than you are as an emancipated bag of bones. If you are a female I will tell you I have never heard a man say a woman who is all skin and bones is pretty or beautiful. Usually the comment is, what is wrong with her.
If you want to find the right person then stop trying to manipulate how you look by using anorexic tips and tricks. Instead, focus on finding someone who likes you for who you are. There are lots of people out there you just have to look. The first order of business is to like yourself. Believe me, you will not like yourself any better by forcing yourself to an unhealthy weight. I hope you learn to not look for ways on how to be anorexic.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Diets and How To Become Anorexic Tips
There are a lot of How To Become Anorexic Tips you can use to lose weight that can be found on the internet. Most of these tricks can be utilized to lose weight whether you are really over weight or not. The problem is that many of the pro anorexia tips are actually quite unhealthy and can do more damage to your body than being overweight. They can actually lead to death and many other ugly things. Your best bet is to find a long term healthy diet plan for extended weight loss and getting rid of fat where it doesn't belong. If you think you need to lose weight there is one thing you should do before anything else.
The first thing to do when deciding if you need to lose weight is to talk to a health care provider about whether you are really over weight or not. If you have a strong desire to go on a diet but the doctor or nurse says you are at a good weight this is a red flag that you may be suffering from anorexia nervos. This can be a deadly psychological condition that could possibly lead to death if not treated. The most apparent outward sign of this condition is skewed body image.
People who suffer from anorexia can not determine how their body really looks. This is in comparison to people on the other end of the eating disorder spectrum who also have an unrealistic view of their body image only they think they are skinnier than they actually are.
If you are looking for pro anorexia tips and how to become an anorexic then you definitely do not have that problem. Instead, people who try to be anorexic are making a choice to take their body mass index levels so low that they can actually starve themselves to death. This is not a good situation to find yourself in.
I would wager to bet that if you are looking for how to become anorexic that you have an unhealthy view of your body and also an unrealistic one. Talk to some one you trust about your body image. If you are in school talk to the school nurse or a councilor or a teach you like. If you can't talk to a trusted adult in school then try the local health center or your doctor. I would not ask your best friend because they may be fighting through the same sort of issues that you are.
You want the view and opinion of someone who can look at your situation with a professional eye and decide if you may have an unrealistic view of your body image.
Anorexia is not something to fool around with. It is not something you choose because you are 5 or 10 or 20 pounds overweight. It is a potentially deadly psychological affliction that can lead to long term health affects even if you don't die. If you are looking for tips on how to become anorexic then please talk to someone about your body image and get the help you need.
The first thing to do when deciding if you need to lose weight is to talk to a health care provider about whether you are really over weight or not. If you have a strong desire to go on a diet but the doctor or nurse says you are at a good weight this is a red flag that you may be suffering from anorexia nervos. This can be a deadly psychological condition that could possibly lead to death if not treated. The most apparent outward sign of this condition is skewed body image.
People who suffer from anorexia can not determine how their body really looks. This is in comparison to people on the other end of the eating disorder spectrum who also have an unrealistic view of their body image only they think they are skinnier than they actually are.
If you are looking for pro anorexia tips and how to become an anorexic then you definitely do not have that problem. Instead, people who try to be anorexic are making a choice to take their body mass index levels so low that they can actually starve themselves to death. This is not a good situation to find yourself in.
I would wager to bet that if you are looking for how to become anorexic that you have an unhealthy view of your body and also an unrealistic one. Talk to some one you trust about your body image. If you are in school talk to the school nurse or a councilor or a teach you like. If you can't talk to a trusted adult in school then try the local health center or your doctor. I would not ask your best friend because they may be fighting through the same sort of issues that you are.
You want the view and opinion of someone who can look at your situation with a professional eye and decide if you may have an unrealistic view of your body image.
Anorexia is not something to fool around with. It is not something you choose because you are 5 or 10 or 20 pounds overweight. It is a potentially deadly psychological affliction that can lead to long term health affects even if you don't die. If you are looking for tips on how to become anorexic then please talk to someone about your body image and get the help you need.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
How To Become Anorexic
If you want to learn How To Become Anorexic there is not very much good information out there. The reason is that this is not a goal people should have. There are pro anorexic websites that claim to have the tricks needed to become anorexic. They completely miss the point of what being anorexic is all about. It is not a choice. It is a psychological condition that is manifested by a complete misunderstanding of how a person's body looks.
anorexics are trying to control something in their life that they have no control over and they are doing it by controlling their food intake. They control it to a point where they actually cause irreversible harm to their bodies and in some cases death. This is not a pretty picture and it is not something to play around with. Most girls looking for Anorexia Tips are really looking for weight lose tips because they do not match the perfect view of the female body as seen on TV. I wish I could just make you realize that you are OK the way you are now. Purging and restricted calories will not change who you are. You are a wonderful creation who hasn't learned how to appreciate all the good you have to offer as a young woman or man. Yes 10% of anorexics are male anorexia.
If you are overweight, check it out with your body mass index only, they you may need to modify how you eat. This is OK . But please be sure you are over weight before you start looking for pro anorexia websites that will do nothing but teach you how to harm yourself. If you think you are overweight, see your doctor and find out what he or she says. Talk to them about how you view your body. You may not be looking at reality when you look in the mirror. If you do need to lose weight do it in a healthy way not by looking for Anorexia Tips and How to Become Anorexic.
anorexics are trying to control something in their life that they have no control over and they are doing it by controlling their food intake. They control it to a point where they actually cause irreversible harm to their bodies and in some cases death. This is not a pretty picture and it is not something to play around with. Most girls looking for Anorexia Tips are really looking for weight lose tips because they do not match the perfect view of the female body as seen on TV. I wish I could just make you realize that you are OK the way you are now. Purging and restricted calories will not change who you are. You are a wonderful creation who hasn't learned how to appreciate all the good you have to offer as a young woman or man. Yes 10% of anorexics are male anorexia.
If you are overweight, check it out with your body mass index only, they you may need to modify how you eat. This is OK . But please be sure you are over weight before you start looking for pro anorexia websites that will do nothing but teach you how to harm yourself. If you think you are overweight, see your doctor and find out what he or she says. Talk to them about how you view your body. You may not be looking at reality when you look in the mirror. If you do need to lose weight do it in a healthy way not by looking for Anorexia Tips and How to Become Anorexic.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Anorexia Tips|How Do I
Anorexia tips could be thought of two ways. When you are looking for tips you could be looking for how to be anorexia. You could also be looking for tips for anorexia help. It is interesting that there can be two completely different ways of viewing what anorexia tips could mean. One side is trying to develop a condition that causes unnatural weight gain and the other side is tying to help someone who has the condition or is trying to help people affected by someone else's anorexia.
Anorexia facts tell us several things about the eating disorder. It tells us that is really has nothing to do with food itself. Instead, the person caught in the web of anorexia is trying to control their environment by control the shape of their body. There is a feeling of power that is developed as someone is able to view the shrinking of their body to unnatural level of muscle loss. If the person can control nothing else at least they can control how much food they eat and whether they keep it down or not.
Pro anorexic websites are popping up all over as girls are romanticizing the disorder. Modern media is not helping the situation at all. Girls want to learn how to become anorexic because the role models they see on TV are all rail thin. Many of the current actresses appear to have some sort of eating disorder whether it is anorexia or not.
Male anorexia is also a known factor in the battle over eating disorders. We tend to think that girls are the only ones who suffer because that is all we hear about. But it is a problem with boys also. They have the same pressures as girls in the adolescent years even though we don't discuss this much.
Anorexic tips can help to combat this by learning what causes the disorder and what can be done to help those who are afflicted with it both female and male anorexia sufferers. Let's work together to develop anorexia tips for the good of all.
Anorexia facts tell us several things about the eating disorder. It tells us that is really has nothing to do with food itself. Instead, the person caught in the web of anorexia is trying to control their environment by control the shape of their body. There is a feeling of power that is developed as someone is able to view the shrinking of their body to unnatural level of muscle loss. If the person can control nothing else at least they can control how much food they eat and whether they keep it down or not.
Pro anorexic websites are popping up all over as girls are romanticizing the disorder. Modern media is not helping the situation at all. Girls want to learn how to become anorexic because the role models they see on TV are all rail thin. Many of the current actresses appear to have some sort of eating disorder whether it is anorexia or not.
Male anorexia is also a known factor in the battle over eating disorders. We tend to think that girls are the only ones who suffer because that is all we hear about. But it is a problem with boys also. They have the same pressures as girls in the adolescent years even though we don't discuss this much.
Anorexic tips can help to combat this by learning what causes the disorder and what can be done to help those who are afflicted with it both female and male anorexia sufferers. Let's work together to develop anorexia tips for the good of all.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Anorexia Tips | What Is It
In Anorexia Tips, the blog, we will be a good resource for suffers of anorexia and the loved ones around the anorexic who are affected by the eating disorder. The word anorexia by it self actually means the symptom of poor appetite whatever the cause. This appetite loss can be caused by a multitude of reasons. The reason we are most familiar with is caused by Anorexia Nervosa: an eating disorder of excessive weight loss and usually undue concern about body shape. This is the class of anorexics that we usually find in the US and other Western countries. In the middle ages there was a condition know as Anorexia Mirabilis. This refers almost exclusively to women and girls of the Middle Ages who would starve themselves, sometimes to the death, in the name of God.
Anorexia nervosa is known as an eating disorder that is a psychiatric illness. The main characteristics are body image distortion and extreme low body weight. The person suffering from this disorder has an obsessive fear of gaining weight because they do see their body for the shape that it really is. Like most other addictive behavior around food, the person does not recognize their true body shape and instead morph that shpe into something else by viewing through the disorder. Overweight people often have a distorted view of their body also. They tend to not realize that they are as overweight as they really are. There seems to be a complete disassociation between the reality of the body shape and the view of the body shape by the person with the disorder.
The control of body weight is very important to someone with Anorexia. Often times weight gain and loss is controlled by such extreme measures as self induces starving, excessive exercising, and purging. These have very profound affects on the health of the individual. Other measures of weight control such as diuretic drugs, to force dehydration, and diet pills, both legal and illegal, are known to be abused by ones with this disorder.
This eating disorder primarily affects adolescent girls but approximately 10% of those diagnosed with the disorder are male. Most of the research data has focused on females as they are 90% of the sufferers but recently some research has been done with young males. A unrealistic body image is at the root of the problem in both cases.
Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition that can have far reaching affects on the health of the individual including death in extreme cases. It has psychological components, sociological components, and neurobiological components.
In the popular media the condition Anorexia nervosa is usually referred to as just Anorexia. This is incorrect. As I stated above the word anorexia by itself refers to symptom of reduce appetite and is not necessarily psychiatric in nature. There is also, probably due to the media exposure, a certain sub-group of wanna be anorexia nervosa sufferers. These, usually girls, have romanticized the condition to point that they choose to force themselves to develop the body shape associated with the eating disorder. The difference is that these girls are choosing to alter their body shape as opposed to a true sufferer of the disorder who feels that she or he has no control over the situation. Like other food disorder sufferers, the person is out of control when it comes to a healthy view of eating and food.
In recent years mounds of research has been associated with anorexia nervosa. We are learning more each day about how to combat this disorder and help the sufferers to recover. We also are learning that family members can be deeply affected by a loved one with the condition. The bright spot is that there is help for both. If you suspect you or someone you love may be in this category, seek help immediately from a health care professional.
Anorexia nervosa is known as an eating disorder that is a psychiatric illness. The main characteristics are body image distortion and extreme low body weight. The person suffering from this disorder has an obsessive fear of gaining weight because they do see their body for the shape that it really is. Like most other addictive behavior around food, the person does not recognize their true body shape and instead morph that shpe into something else by viewing through the disorder. Overweight people often have a distorted view of their body also. They tend to not realize that they are as overweight as they really are. There seems to be a complete disassociation between the reality of the body shape and the view of the body shape by the person with the disorder.
The control of body weight is very important to someone with Anorexia. Often times weight gain and loss is controlled by such extreme measures as self induces starving, excessive exercising, and purging. These have very profound affects on the health of the individual. Other measures of weight control such as diuretic drugs, to force dehydration, and diet pills, both legal and illegal, are known to be abused by ones with this disorder.
This eating disorder primarily affects adolescent girls but approximately 10% of those diagnosed with the disorder are male. Most of the research data has focused on females as they are 90% of the sufferers but recently some research has been done with young males. A unrealistic body image is at the root of the problem in both cases.
Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition that can have far reaching affects on the health of the individual including death in extreme cases. It has psychological components, sociological components, and neurobiological components.
In the popular media the condition Anorexia nervosa is usually referred to as just Anorexia. This is incorrect. As I stated above the word anorexia by itself refers to symptom of reduce appetite and is not necessarily psychiatric in nature. There is also, probably due to the media exposure, a certain sub-group of wanna be anorexia nervosa sufferers. These, usually girls, have romanticized the condition to point that they choose to force themselves to develop the body shape associated with the eating disorder. The difference is that these girls are choosing to alter their body shape as opposed to a true sufferer of the disorder who feels that she or he has no control over the situation. Like other food disorder sufferers, the person is out of control when it comes to a healthy view of eating and food.
In recent years mounds of research has been associated with anorexia nervosa. We are learning more each day about how to combat this disorder and help the sufferers to recover. We also are learning that family members can be deeply affected by a loved one with the condition. The bright spot is that there is help for both. If you suspect you or someone you love may be in this category, seek help immediately from a health care professional.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Healthy Weight Loss and Anorexia Tips New Blog
This blog is dedicated to helping people by giving them information for anorexia tips. Thousands of young men and women are trying to lose weight by utilizing these tips and tricks instead of finding a long term dieting plan that will work to keep their bodies healthy. This information will be for both the person suffering from anorexia nervosa and the family and friends of those suffering. This blog is dedicated to helping you recover from the affects to both the person afflicted and the people in his or her life. The vast majority of people who suffer with this are women so most of time I will not say he or she but instead she. This is not sexist, it is just how it is.
I hope that this blog of information can help people in the anorexia community. This is a very lonely situation to be in but rest assured that you are not alone. There is help and you can get better. You can stop the madness both for yourself and those around you.
Read this blog frequently to get the newest information I find. I will pass on anything I learn to you. We can combat this together using Anorexia Tips.
I hope that this blog of information can help people in the anorexia community. This is a very lonely situation to be in but rest assured that you are not alone. There is help and you can get better. You can stop the madness both for yourself and those around you.
Read this blog frequently to get the newest information I find. I will pass on anything I learn to you. We can combat this together using Anorexia Tips.
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