Monday, March 2, 2009

A Healthy Diet Instead

If you want to lose weight trying make yourself anorexic is not the way to go. This is a very dangerous food disorder that is not really about losing weight at all it is all about and inability to have a realistic view of the body. The best way to lose weight is to start a diet and excercise program based on good nutritional information and realistic exercises for your body type. There are a lot of healthy diets available and many come with diet meal plans included.
The key to effective weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume in the food you eat. If you are serious about having a more healthy body then you need to find a good well balanced diet and exercise regime that works for you. Don't try so called diet pills. These never work for long and many of them have serious health implications. A few years ago there was a diet drug program called fen-phen. This supposedly helped people to lose weight. What it actually did was cause heart valve problems and several deaths. It is fine to want to drop a few pounds but why would you want to kill yourself doing it? A good diet to lose weight is one in which you lose two to three pounds a week and you learn to keep the weight off.
An effective diet plan is one that is low in fat because there are a lot of calories in fat. But be careful of the new "low fat" products available for sale now. Many of these have sugar and high fructose corn syrup added so the calorie count goes through the roof. At the end of the day calorie counting and learning how to burn fat are the ways you will get to the weight you desire.
There are all kinds of effective diets available. The key is to make sure they are well balanced. A dieting vegetarian is also possible by doing the same thing, counting calories and doing exercises that burn the excess fat stored in your body.
Walking is really a very good exercise for weight loss because that is what our bodies are designed to do. For thousands of years we ate a diet lower in calories than today and then walked several miles a day. Our bodies got used to this type of life style. We have completely changed that now. The majority of people consume way more calories than they need and then do almost no walking or any other physical activity. Thus they build fat in their bodies and then do nothing to burn fat. These people then think rapid weight loss is the answer so they look at things like anorexia in order to lose the weight.
We have got to get off of this merry go round of eating high calorie food and then sitting around not burning any of it up. The answer is not some radical thing like purging. The answer is to find a good, healthy, nutritious diet and then getting some exercise every day. This is the only long term solution to weight gain and the only healthy one.

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