Saturday, February 7, 2009

Diet For Success

I have found that people looking for anorexia tips are actually looking for diet tips because they want to lose weight. These people are of the mistaken belief that they can be a little anorexic and thus lose weight instead of following a healthy diet that works. A healthy diet is one that limits your caloric intake below the level you burn every day, but does not limit it to such an extreme measure that harm is done to the physical well being of the body.
Anorexia is not something to be played around with. Every year thousands of men and women, and girls and boys are having irreversible harm done to their bodies by strict limitation of caloric intake. These mostly young people have such a distorted view of their bodies that they literally starve themselves to death trying to reach what they perceive of the perfect body. In reality, the vast majority, if not all, the public think this view of the perfect body is actually un healthy, ugly, and disgusting. It would be great if people who experience anorexia could understand that a healthy diet with realistic long term weight loss in road to ultimate health and good looks.
There are all kinds of diets on the market and new ones appearing every day. Some of them are healthy and long term and some are nothing but unhealthy fads. If you think you are over weight talk to a health care professional and find out what they say. Then follow their advice for a healthy weight based on your frame and height. Strive to lose no more that 2-3 pounds a week and be sure to eat a balanced diet.
I have seen anorexia nervosa and it is not a pretty sight. People should not be looking for anorexia tips. You should be looking for a long term diet that allows you to maintain a healthy weight and a beautiful body not some bag of bones that nobody really finds attractive.

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